Laughter is the worst medicine

Posted on 6:24 PM, under went well and by well I mean they had no problem cutting out my organ once they knocked me out.  Recovery has been an adventure.  I've spent the last few days in bed watching my wounds heal and wishing I could go play with my daughter who has cranked her adorable level up to 11 over the last week.  But daddy can't bend down really well right now.  Nina has been a super nurse and the idea of laying around the house is slowly beginning to lose its luster as I spend hour after hour wishing I felt well enough to cut the too long lawn that mocks me out the front window.  I've also learned the most important lesson of recovery - don't laugh.  Yeah, that's right. If you have abdominal surgery, try not to laugh for a week or so.  I learned this the hard way. First when I made the mistake of reading an email from my friend Caleb, which had me reaching for the Vicodin and then again when I happened across a rerun of Seinfeld that had Kramer and Mickey acting out fake diseases for medical students. So, now I've resigned to watch only documentaries about fowl migration and eastern European street cleaning or reruns of Friends.  Nothing funny.

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3 Reply to "Laughter is the worst medicine"

  • Karen on September 17, 2008 at 11:32 PM

    Oh, Matt! Fun people like you just can't get operations like this! I LOVE you and hope you're up and attem' soon!


    Gabe ♥ Hannah on September 18, 2008 at 4:25 PM

    i vote you "most creative blogger"

    hope you are getting better and resting up... don't be happy enough to laugh...but smile... because u are lucky enough to have the 2 cutest nurses that i know of!


    hisbelovedlizc on September 19, 2008 at 9:11 AM

    hey Matt, hope you have healed enough in the last couple days to be able to laugh now. You may not know what it is like to be a woman having a baby as you stated in one of your posts, but this sounds like it runs a close second to having an ovary removed! I can relate to that!
    Hope you are up to teaching Sunday. I am enjoying the class.
    Liz C.