32 Ounces of Reality

Posted on 12:52 PM, under

For the past couple years, I've slowly been noticing signs that I am getting older.  For instance, I have no desire to "sleep in."  In fact, if I sleep past 8, I have an overwhelming feeling that I've wasted the day.  Or I really find it hard to hold back from yelling "slow down!" when a whipper snapper comes flying around the corner in his fast the furious prop car. But today, I ran across a really strange sign that maybe I'm not as young as I used to be.  I had a hard time finishing a Big Gulp. And not even the ridiculously large one.  The 32 ouncer.  Now, I've never been a big big gulp guy, but young dudes should be able to pound one without flinching.  I should have seen it coming though, because first of all it was a big gulp full of Coke Zero.  The idea that a big gulp can consist of diet pop must have Mr. Gulp (the inventor of the big gulp.  I assume it was named after him) rolling in his grave (I also assume he's dead, because...well, I don't know why.  I just do). In the end, I finished it, because there's no way I was going to let the big gulp win, but I learned something about myself today - it's probably time I started avoiding things with the word big, super, or gargantuan in their names.  

I know some of you guys are old.  What was the breaking point?.  Click comment and let me know when you knew you had officially turned the page towards geezerdom. 

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4 Reply to "32 Ounces of Reality"

  • Rachel on July 6, 2008 at 5:35 PM

    There's this saying.... You know you're old when you bend down to tie your shoes and you think about what else you can do while you're down there... i don't know.. i just always thought that was funny.


    Gabe ♥ Hannah on July 7, 2008 at 6:39 PM

    i know i'm not "old" but i actually went and bought "anti-aging" collagen cream for my eyes....and then i thought... oh crap... i'm getting old! ha i guess i'm just an old 22 ;)


    We Love to Run! on July 9, 2008 at 10:22 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.  

    Life with Linda on July 10, 2008 at 6:47 PM

    When I was ....your age-ish....A kid on the street referred to me as "that lady"...instead of "that girl"....and I knew that i had crossed over into the "older peoples territory". In the eyes of children...lumped into the catagory with all other grownups up to the age of 100