I'm sure a lot of you have made a resolution to lose weight this year (I don't assume this because I think you're fat, I assume this because most people attempt to lose weight in January even if they're already thin. It's sciences.) So I figured I could help. Having lost a lot of weight in the past, I wanted to share a few helpful tips that help me drop the kilos.
Tip 1: Share.
Might seem obvious. But as a reformed fat man, I know when I cracked open a bag of Doritos I hoarded those suckers like nobody business. If you would dare reach for one of my chips, you were likely to retract your hand only to find a bloody stub. So my secret tip is share the wealth. When you want to eat something not so great, make sure you do it with a ton of people around and ask everyone if they want some. That way, you'll probably only eat one serving because others will help you eat it. Not very complicated. But trust me effective. Like when I eat chips, I make sure Maddy is around. She always "makes" me share. That's why I love her.
Here's to thin thoughts in '09.