This tree is in our backyard and I love it. I love that every year it springs to life literally overnight. The fact that it looks like it's dead one day and then all of sudden one morning I'm walking out to my garage, I look over and bam, it's glorious. In about a week all the white flowers will be gone. Green will creep in. The tree will begin its next phase. But I love this week. This phase. You see that little bench under it's branches. For some reason, Nina calls it my bench. (it's really our bench. What's mine is ours). But I think she calls it mine because I just go and sit on it. Just sit. because I want to enjoy this tree this week. So if you're in the neighborhood, it's easy to find. Just look in our backyard behind the playhouse and our grill and my firepit that well move to the lawn soon and then just slightly to the left and behind a pink ball and you'll find my favorite tree and "our" favorite bench.